Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Debt Free!! Debt Free!!

 Deployment has come with one (and only one) perk....
It is very easy to save a ton of money!!

As of today, my husband and I are officially nearly DEBT FREE!!!

I say nearly, because we haven't paid the car off, but we technically could.
We are weighing our options on that, because its the "Big One"
And taking that much money from our savings all at once seems scary.

Baby steps, y'all.

I am so blessed that I have a husband who understands the importance of
a good budget and big savings account.
I'm one of those people that do not feel secure or happy if I don't have
all of my finances in order and a set plan for every last dollar.
Money stresses me out more than anything.

That is where my love for Dave Ramsey comes in.
He is a financial guru, with strong Christian values, and really knows what he is talking about.
I first heard of Dave Ramsey through my Mom.
She has always been the financial adviser for my family.

When I was younger I shrugged off the 'Dave Advice", as if I
cared about the Envelope System or having this much in savings, or
that much in my checking...

Really, I'm so excited to start budgeting.

Here is my Little List of Budget Tips that have helped us get out debt so quickly...

  • Give up your extra expenses, it is not forever and it won't kill you to paint your own nails
  • Listen to The Dave Ramsey Show - He's a genius, seriously!
  • Write down your budget for every month, every dollar needs a home, EVERY DOLLAR
  • Print This Saving's Plan - I started this shortly after my husband left. It's taped next to a little bank I have, every Sunday I put in the correct amount.  I will have $500 saved to do something special with my husband when he returns home!!
  • Stop going to restaurants.  My husband and I used to spend way too much dining out, which ruins the fun of date nights... If you go out to eat 5 times a week, its not special as a date anymore, save it for special occasions!
  • Same goes for the movie theaters, no one really likes to spend $10 on a bucket of popcorn.

With my husband away it has made it easy for me to learn
a lot about budgeting and to create a plan for us once we get our house 
and actually need to use a budget.
Deployment sucks, so if I can get one positive thing out of it, I'm
glad it is something that will benefit us for the rest of our lives!

Do you have any great money saving tips?  Feel free to leave it in a
comment below, or use the contact box to send me an email!


  1. Great tips! I budget everything, too, and the only tip I have to add is make sure you budget "savings" for things that are yearly rather than monthly expenses (car repairs, broken appliances that need replacing, unexpected illness or injury, you rip your only winter coat and it's freezing outside...). Thinking of everything well help you be prepared for everything!

    1. Awesome tip, thank you!!! I think those things would be good to have a little "emergency fund" for! =D

  2. Many of us are stressed with money. More specifically, with juggling it to make it fit our wants and needs. The thought of not having a concrete plan for our finances is scary. It's good that you found an efficient solution that helps you with tracking all your finances. It won't be surprising that before the year ends, you’ll officially be debt-free. Keep it up!

    Charlena Leonard @ WeidnerLaw
